Zoom In-Office Teeth Whitening System
Whiter teeth, in about one hour. It’s that simple. Years of yellowing as well as staining from virtually everything you eat, drink, and inhale are almost magically erased in the time it takes to get a haircut, a manicure or lunch. In fact, Zoom has a new and improved professional teeth whitening treatment that gets teeth an average of 9+ shades! And it’s still just one hour.
The Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening treatment consists of a gentle hydrogen-peroxide whitening gel activated by a special, patented light operating in the gentle “blue spectrum.” The gel and light were both developed by Philips Oral Health Care Company and are available at this office. Unlike traditional bleaching methods, with Zoom, there’s no fuss or mess and no gels or trays to take home. All you have to do is sit back and relax while we do the rest!
The patented Zoom light is not UV, heat or laser-activated. It is a gentle, blue light that is wavelength matched to our whitening gel to effectively whiten and brighten your teeth in just about an hour.
Don’t accept imitations. Ask your dentist if they use the Zoom system. Don’t be fooled by less effective, unproven systems that may not work as effectively or may not be as safe as Zoom.
The buzz around Zoom continues to be exciting! Around the world, the Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening treatment has been featured on TV programs, in top newspapers, in both popular national and regional magazines, and as a prestigious gift in the Academy Awards basket for Oscar winners and presenters. Zoom was even featured in the 2003 movie “Intolerable Cruelty” starring George Clooney and Catherine Zeta Jones.